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Australian Bird Photography

Celebrating, through photos, the beauty, colour and variation of our native birds and (a few) animals, insects and plants - mostly taken in the Melbourne metropolitan and country areas of

Victoria, Australia

Photography by Graeme Bannerman


NOTE:  To ENLARGE images, single-click thumbnail images on Photos pages 1 or 2 ... then scroll down a little to see bird

species name ... then, to move to a new enlargement, single-click Previous, Next or any of the smaller, horizontal thumbnails

Please click image to  

enter Photos page 1 of 2:


Purchase of Prints/CD’s

Although my main aim is to display images of our native birds, if you should wish to purchase a hard-copy photo or digital image on CD, see Purchase of Prints/CD’s page.  And please phone me on (03) 9885 6716 with any queries or for a quote.

Examples of framed photos: