Australian Bird Photography

Purchase of Prints/CD’s


Although my  aim is to display images of our beautiful native birds, some people may wish to purchase colour prints or CD’s of them for private home or business purposes. This page sets out the prices charged, the forwarding details required, and the methods of payment, etc.

Please note that, since I provide top quality prints produced from a professional photo lab, the cost of production of prints to me are expensive. And prints larger than 20 x 25cm must be packaged inside a stiff cardboard cylinder for protection. I must pass these costs on to my clients. Every effort is made to keep the total price down to a reasonable amount.

For more than one print ordered - even if they are different prints, the price per print will be reduced by 10% for each, and the P&H charge will not change for up to 3 prints ordered. Since P&H charges depend on weight, they may increase incrementally. I will advise at the time of a larger order.

1  Single Print Prices - all inc GST:

Print Size                                    Price                          Postage & Handling                  Total

20 x 25cm (8” x 10”)                    $45.00                        $5.00                                          $50.00

28 x 35cm (11” x 14”)                  $50.00                        $9.00                                          $59.00

30 x 40cm (12” x 16”)                  $59.00                        $9.00                                          $68.00

40 x 50cm (16” x 20”)                  $75.00                        $10.00                                        $85.00

50 x 60cm (20” x 24”)                  $95.00                        $12.00                                        $107.00

60 x 85cm (24” x 36”)                  $107.00                      $15.00                                        $122.00

75 x 100cm (30” x 40”)                $115.00                      $15.00                                        $130.00

Please note that Postage and Handling charges can be avoided if you wish to pick up your ordered prints personally, by arrangement with me, by phoning  (03) 9885 6716

2  Images on CD for Advertising uses:

Since the use of images varies considerably depending on the size of the business, this is a POA (Price On Asking) service. I would have pleasure in discussing your needs, and providing you with a quote.

3  Methods of Payment and Order Details:

Payments can be made by either:

  1. (a) Direct Debit into my bank account - BSB No. 013210 / Account No. 1107 28238, or

  2. (b) Cheque, made out to Graeme Bannerman, and sent to 4 Lucerne Street Ashburton, Vic 3147.

Please provide your Order details - the bird species and position (row & column), number of copies, sizes of prints - and Forwarding details, including your name, address and post code, and your phone number - either by email or included with your cheque via Australia Post.

Your orders will be fulfilled as soon as possible after receiving payment, and sent out (usually) within 10 days maximum.


Graeme Bannerman.